Youth Leadership Development

Learn about opportunities for youth through upcoming events, volunteering, and programming. In and out of school, Safe & Sound can help get youth connected to opportunities.

Safe & Sounders who can help with youth engagement in your district:

Milwaukee Police District 2: Andrea Romo-Ureno

Milwaukee Police District 3: TBD

Milwaukee Police District 4: Devyn Spinks

Milwaukee Police District 5: Bella Vazquez

Milwaukee Police District 7: AJ Edget

These organizers, in accordance with a youth and resident driven safety plan, support youth-led initiatives. Their efforts aim to enhance safety and reduce crime. Our Neighborhood Organizers support these youth activities, clearing the way for youth to impact the community and help to bridge the intergenerational gap between youth and adult residents. The goal is to increase youth collective efficacy in their neighborhoods, connecting youth to their community and empowering them to enact the change they’d like to see.