Youth Police Dialogue

There is a challenging relationship between Milwaukee residents and police. Who do we look to for a pulse on the future of these relationships? Enter: youth. Youth Police Dialogues have been a successful outlet to bring about open and honest conversations on the roles and responsibilities of police in our communities. Safe & Sound, in partnership with the Milwaukee Police Department and other organizations, have facilitated 6 Youth Police Dialogues throughout the year and engaged over 100 youth. These dialogues were hosted in classrooms, virtually, and even at a local skating rink.

Some dialogues were more structured around specific topics, such as the dangers and real-life consequences of reckless driving, while other sessions were question-and-answer conversations. Included in these conversations were questions such as “Why did you become a law enforcement officer?” and “What has been a difficult decision you have had to make as a police officer?”. While topics from each event varied, youth were allowed to ask tough questions. If there was ever a group of people that are unabashedly honest, it’s our youth. Through these dialogues, law enforcement can create a space where youth are able to have their voice heard and questions answered.

Milwaukee Police Chief, Chief Norman, said, “Through our invaluable partnership with Safe & Sound, the Milwaukee Police Department has made some incredible inroads with our youth. Together we are building sustainable relationships, gaining trust and learning from each other.” Establishing a relationship is one thing, but the ability to maintain a relationship is a two-way street that relies on the foundation of trust and respect. Safe & Sound is excited to continue facilitating these conversations and fostering a community of open dialogue between our youth and law enforcement.

Contact one of our youth organizers to learn more!